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GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #12 | Uc Wishlist

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GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #11 | Uc wishlist

  Another week has reached its aftermath and the third phase of the coding regime is about to conclude with the onset of the Final Evaluations for Google Summer of Code 2017. The time spent so far during the previous months have been a great learning experience with Drupal, with the timely help provided for the project by my mentor Naveen Valecha . Coming to the present scenario, the majority of the port concerning the Uc Wishlist has been completed, save for some technical fixes and implementation requirements regarding the port of the final sub-module ‘Add user wish list settings’. Other than that, I would put up the alpha release of the module as soon as the current code gets reviewed. Additionally, I would propose few functional tests as per instructions from the mentor and reviews from the developers. Moreover, my code for the previous ports have been committed to the Drupal Core by my mentor and the current status of the code could be found here ....

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #10 | Uc Wishlist

With the conclusion of the tenth week of Google Summer of Code 2017, the coding regime is almost halfway through the third phase. Meanwhile, last week saw a stringent buildup on the concept for the remaining ports, which would aid in its gradual completion. I have maintained a detailed structure of the code for the port which can be accessed here . Focusing on the present scenario, the implementation of the 5th port ‘Email wishlist to users’ has almost reached completion. Additionally, the implementation of the last port ‘Add user wish list settings’ is underway, with a significant portion of the port to be accomplished within the coming week. Therefore, based on a comprehensive evaluation of the current status of the module, the work done previous week can be summarised as: Option to email wishlist to others: This feature would enable users or wish list owners to share any wish list with other users or potential customers by emailing it to the respe...

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #9 | UC-Wishlist

The third phase of the Coding Phase officially kicked off the previous week on July 28th, 16:00, marking the conclusion of the Mid-Evaluation period for Google Summer of Code 2017. At present, I would like to state that I progressed successfully through the mid-term evaluations. The second phase proved to be a worthy learning experience personally resulting . Meanwhile, I have maintained a detailed structure of the code for the port which can be accessed here and have also provided a comprehensive understanding of the current status of the work done in the previous blogpost . Moving on to the present scenario, the work for the current phase would primarily be to port the ‘Add User wishlist settings’ and ‘Email wishlist’ functionalities. During the gradual completion of the ports, I would also have to deliver the related documentation alongside the designated ports. Additionally, I would have to complete the remaining portion of the ‘Search wishlist’ functiona...

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #8 | UC Wishlist

The eighth week of Google Summer of Code 2017 has come to a close, bringing forth the onset of the Second Evaluation Period. Presently, I've been working on porting the 'Uc Wishlist' module to Drupal 8, under the guidance of my mentor, Naveen Valecha . The conceptualization and understanding developed during the first phase of coding have been of immense help and has provided notable assistance for the completion of the assigned ports. This month, concerning this week in particular saw the completion of a significant amount of work concerning the ports assigned for the Second phase of the coding regime. The work done this week can be briefly described as follows: Fixed the 'Add to wishlist/Remove from wishlist' submit handler for the second port. Previously, on clicking on the add to wishlist button, the screen showed an error page, and the product couldn't get registered. However, the error has been fixed and products can now be adde...

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #7 | UC Wishlist

With the last week of the second phase of the Google Summer of Code 2017 underway, the seventh week has come to a close. The previous week saw the completion of the third port for the second regime, i.e., porting ‘View/Update wishlist’ . The earlier week I had summarised the implementation for the third port, i.e, porting ‘View/Update wishlist’ functionality. So, the work done the previous week for the implementation of the mentioned third port can be summarised below: The first thing I did was to define an interface my UcWishlist entity type class can implement and that extends the default ContentEntityInterface alongwith EntityOwnerInterface . So inside of the module's src/Entity folder, create a file called UcWishlistInterface.php . Next,  I focused on the crux of defining my own Content Entity class and created a folder inside the src/ directory called Entity , and within it, a file called UcWishlist.php . What we have here is a...

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #6 | UC-Wishlist

With the conclusion of the sixth week of Google Summer of Code 2017, the Coding regime is nearly halfway through the second phase. The previous week involved some basic albeit important conceptualizations, which have been of immense help and have provided noteworthy assistance for understanding the port functionality. As mentioned earlier, the previous week I had summarised the implementation for the third port concerning the second phase, i.e, porting ‘View/Update wishlist’ functionality. Concerning the above port the following tasks had to be considered: Creating the WishlistViewForm class by implementing the​ Form &​ Module API ​ s, where the forms are created using ​  $form=\Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm( )​ . Providing an interface defining a wish list entity by creating the class UcWishlistInterface by extending ContentEntityInterface and EntityOwnerInterface . The callback: uc_wishlist_display($wid, $mode) is utilised under th...