With the last week of the
second phase of the Google Summer of Code 2017 underway, the seventh
week has come to a close. The previous week saw the completion of the
third port for the second regime, i.e., porting ‘View/Update wishlist’.
The earlier week I had summarised the implementation
for the third port, i.e, porting ‘View/Update wishlist’ functionality.
So, the work done the previous week for the implementation of the
mentioned third port can be summarised below:
The first thing I did was to define an interface my UcWishlist entity type class can implement and that extends the default ContentEntityInterface alongwith EntityOwnerInterface. So inside of the module's src/Entity folder, create a file called UcWishlistInterface.php.
Next, I focused on the crux of defining my own Content Entity class and created a folder inside the src/ directory called Entity, and within it, a file called UcWishlist.php.
What we have here is a simple class defining the entity properties required. This class extends the default ContentEntityBase class and implements the UcWishlistinterface. Using annotations, we are basically telling Drupal about our UcWIshlist entity type. The @ContentEntityType tells Drupal that this is a Content Entity type. Within its definition, we have an array-like structure describing the wish list contents.
The next thing I did was to create the form we referenced in the annotations above: for adding, editing and deleting wish list entities. The cool thing is that the form for adding can be reused for editing as well. For that we create a form by the name WishlistViewForm.php in the src/Form directory.
As I declared when defining the content entity class, I created a class file responsible for building the overview page of the entities. So straight in the src/ folder of the module I created a UcWishlistListBuilder.php class file extending EntityListBuilder.
The latest port seems to work as planned.
However, the second port, concerning the add to wishlist submit handler
displays a minor error while registering products to be added to the
wish list. The incumbent errors would be fixed subsequently after the
completion of the remaining sole port for the second phase, i.e.,
‘Search wishlist’, the porting of which I have already begun and would
be completed within the stipulated time.
The third port, therefore, enables users to view a
specific wish list (provided required items are added to the wish list
through the add to wishlist submit button). On clicking that button the
user wish list is automatically updated to include the latest changes. The code for the current status of the port can be found here.
Winding up, these were the objectives and concepts
learned during the seventh week of coding phase in GSoC’17 and hope to
learn many more new concepts in the coming weeks for the successful
completion of the port for the current and final phases.
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