The last week of Google
Summer of Code 2017 is underway, with the commencement of the Final
Evaluation period and the completion of porting the Uc Wishlist module,
my project is conclusively ready for testing and community reviews. With
the able guidance of my mentor, Naveen Valecha,
all the sub-modules ports for the process have been practically
achieved, save for few optional improvisations, which can be included
upon additional community reviews.
Focusing on the current scenario, all patches concerning the port have been maintained and Github. Furthermore, the patches for Phase I and II have been reviewed and committed to the project codebase
by my mentor. An alpha version of the module would be released soon.
Meanwhile, feel free to provide feedback and raise relevant issues
regarding the port of the module here.
This final blog would primarily focus in a stepwise
and conclusive walk-through regarding a successful installation and
configuration of the module. The steps for a successful installation is
included below with accompanied by a visual demo of the same. For
additional information on the working structure of the module, feel free
to consult here.
Installing/Configuring the module:
Enter the Drupal root installation directory and cd into modules/ directory.
Execute the Drush command drush dl ubercart for downloading the latest compatible version of Ubercart for Drupal 8.
Run drush en ubercart for installing/enabling the Ubercart module.
Clear caches for the impending changes to take place by executing drush cr (cache-rebuild). This command would also display the probable errors (if there are any) faced during installation of the module thereby temporarily terminating the installation.
Assuming no errors faced during the installation of Ubercart, the next step would be to download the Uc Wishlist module. This can be done by executing the command drush dl uc_wishlist.
With no further errors, uc_wishlist would get successfully installed. Enable the module by executing drush en uc_wishlist. Upon execution of the command, the following dependencies would be prompted to install/enable for successfully enabling the Uc Wishlist module: uc_wishlist, uc_country, uc_store, uc_product, uc_order and uc_cart. Enter y/yes in terminal to install the above dependencies along with uc_wishlist.
Drush would return a confirmation for the successful installation of the module. The next step would be to clear the caches for the module to get registered to the system and function successfully.
The Uc wishlist module is thus ready to function as
per the user requirements, once properly installed according to the
above instructions. I would recommend Drupalers using this port to
create an issue in the issue queue page, if any. I have also created an
issue, regarding final work submission in, which can be
accessed here.
So far, the experience has been really commendable,
keeping in mind the vast knowledge procured during the interning tenure.
Summing up, I would like to extend a vote of thanks to the Drupal
community for assisting me towards the completion of the project.
Special thanks also to the org admin Matthew Lechleider for his timely instructions and my mentor Naveen Valecha for guiding me throughout the coding regime. Looking forward to more collaborations in the near future.
Till next time then.
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