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Showing posts from November, 2017

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #4 | Drupal

The fourth week of Google Summer of Code 2017 has come to a close, bringing forth the onset of the First Evaluation Period. The conceptualization developed during the first phase of coding have been of immense help and has provided notable assistance for the completion of the assigned ports. As I had stated in the previous blog posts, this month I had the objective of completing the following ports concerning the first phase of the coding regime: Admin wish list settings Add to wishlist  With the conclusion of week 4, I have completed the port of the administrator wish list settings as well as the ‘ Add to wishlist ’ feature as part of the second port. Also for the ‘ Add to Wishlist ’ functionality to work successfully, my next objective would be to add the functionality to view/access the user wish list, on using the button. This functionality would further be succeeded by the option to update the specific wish list, by displaying the required button ...

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #3 | Drupal

With the conclusion of the third week of Google Summer of Code 2017, the initial phase of the coding period is coming to a closure. The conceptualization developed during the previous weeks have been of immense help, and has been of notable assistance for the completion of the ports for the first phase. The previous week, as I had stated in my earlier blogpost , I had to port the following sub-modules regarding the UC Wish list framework: As I had mentioned in the previous blogpost , till week 2 I had almost completed the first port by configuring the administrator wish list settings and completing a substantial portion of managing user wish lists. With the conclusion of week 3, I have completed the port of the administrator wish list settings. Moreover, I have also included the ‘Add to wish list’ feature as part of the second port. Thereby I would briefly like to state the steps taken to port the above functionalities: Manage user wish lists: Implemen...

GSoC’17 Coding period | Week #2 | Drupal

Google Summer of Code 2017 has entered yet another week and with the conclusion of week 2 of the Coding Phase, things in general have become much more elaborative, as well as exciting ! The previous week was significantly noteworthy in terms of the intricacies and topics dealt with for the  objectives undertaken for the first phase. I was also able to manage time better to focus more towards my project, and the implementation in particular. In the previous blogpost , I had mentioned about the port objectives decided with regard to the first phase of the coding regime. As planned earlier, my main intent for the week was to port the functionality ‘Add administrator wish list settings’. The port of this sub-module encapsulated the completion of the following objectives: Configuring the wish list settings by administrator: This feature allows the administrator to implement crucial settings related to any wish list for authenticated users.  ...